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RSS Channel: Comments on: 8 Things Your Travel/Expat Friend Does NOT Need to Hear
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Thanks Adelina! Important to listen to advice from loved ones but in the end, go with your heart and your gut. :)

By: Adelina Bisca
Oh I can totally relate as I am thinking about leaving a great business in London in order to move to La Gomera or Geneva where I could still run it. I've only spoken to few people and they're all so scared about this "crazy" idea of mine... I think I will block all the comments in my head and go ahead with my desire of living in a sunnier place:) PS: love your blog !

By: Sarah
My family would be very confused if I told them about this 5 year pact- but I've learnt that they just find it difficult to relate to me and my goals, it's so alien for them cus they're all deep, deep within their comfort zones. But I think it's pretty cool!! How many years have you done or are you just starting? Though I did not intentionally make this pact, I did spend my 20th in Vietnam, my 21st in Maldives, my 22nd in Italy, and my 23rd will be in Italy/India. What a great feeling!

By: Sanket D.
I've heard too many of #3. I have a 5 year pact with myself to celebrate 5 birthdays in 5 different countries, and I keep getting disapproving looks from my friends saying "But why would you want to be alone on your birthday?" and I'm just like WTF! Part of the parcel I guess :)

By: Bernard Tan
OMG! i totally can relate to this, but am also guilty of asking this questions to others. When I did my first solo travel, everyone say that i wont survive, but i survive and totally love it. I am going for my next solo travels again.

By: Sarah
Oh wow, I wouldn't no where to start there either. That's rather mean of your friend - I'm sure they spend their money on their own pleasures, a coffee at Starbucks, a new cocktail dress, etc, why shouldn't we spend it on travel? Also, not spending our money to travel but living a 9-5 corporate lifestyle, does NOT save the children in any way. Paying to fly over to a country where children need aid, and volunteering your services in some way, could. Oh the judgements we receive from our 'friends'!

By: travelerettenyc
This really resonated with me as a solo female traveler. I don't know why it's so much easier for some people to celebrate weddings and babies instead of adventures. (BTW I think they can all be celebrated, I'm not knocking weddings or babies.) But the worst comment I got was from a friend who asked if I didn't feel guilty spending money on travel when there are so many hungry children in the world. I still don't know how to respond to that one!

By: Jona Bering | Backpacking with a Book
Hi there, Sarah! I'm going to quit my day job this December and leave Philippines for a year or more. I do not know what is going to happen. Thank you for voicing out the sentiments that expats/long-term travelers. With this, I can brace myself from the questions I am going to receive!

By: Sarah
Thank you Tamz! I hope one day soon your parents value and respect your decision, or at least understand a bit more! I'm not sure mine ever will! Well said final point there- "Being happy with our lives is a right"- going to remember that ??

By: Tamz
wonderfully written. Honest. These are the questions people like us have to face from our folks back home. I myself haven't been able to make my parents understand why I quit my corporate job and chose this lifestyle. Being happy with our lives is a right and we need not be answerable to people for doing that. Lovely post Sarah. well done :) :)