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RSS Channel: Comments on: Lessons From India: Patience
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
You're welcome Polly. Today I'm feeling incredibly impatient, it isn't easy!

By: polly674
Your words gave me peace and calm. I understood that I need to get more patience and that the impatience is only about anger. Thank you for your words. Now I wil start working on that.

By: Sarah
So pleased you learnt so much too! In England (And many other places) to slow down is to be weak. Not true!

By: Sarah
Oh yes! Even our homelands too, though I am still cultivating the patience for it ;)

By: Judson L Moore
Great learnings from a great place! My time in India was both totally hectic and stressful (traffic..) but the lifestyle and how people spent their time focusing more on the people in their life rather than the stuff in their life was super beneficial. It is a breath of fresh air to be reminded to slow down, smell the roses, and enjoy all the blessings we have around us.

By: Indrani
I am glad the visit to India has enriched your soul! Every place has lots to offer provided we have the patience to pick it up.

By: Sarah
Thanks Ami and you're right, but if we travelled to places without learning a thing, what would be the use?! :)

By: Sarah
Definitely! Situations like traveling demand for patience!

By: Ami Bhat
Those are some important virtues of life...balance, patience ....and I am glad you learnt them here in India. Thanks for sharing it with all. It is always heartening to see that a place leaves such a deep mark within you.

By: Sheri
As they say "patience is a virtue". I find in some situations I am extremely patient and in others I have no patience at all. Finding a good balance is important, and sometimes just having a little more patience than usual can help in a situation.