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RSS Channel: Comments on: Lessons From India: Control and Letting Go
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Hello! Thank you haha- good to hear! Why should we always know where and what we are doing in the future? Let's have some spontaneity! I would say its a mixture of the experiences I've had in various countries. At first I noticed I would use phrases like "island time", "Kenyan time", "Italian time" etc, only to realise it's everyone else who have it right and me as a Brit who has it all wrong! Yoga has definitely helped me with personal growth though, being far from home I needed a way to "come home" and be me- yoga and meditation is a fantastic retreat inwards.

By: solspier
Hey Sarah! I have to say I chuckled at how you wrote "Life has no control?" It's hard to realize we don't have control over everything! Aaaah. BY the way, I have NO idea where I'll be next time this year, so I can completely relate to the feeling. Your experience in India sounds AMAZING and so enlightening. Would you say your realizations stem more from the practice of yoga specifically, or the complete immersion to a new culture?