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RSS Channel: Comments on: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Hi Michael! Thank you for taking the time to share your heartbreaking story. But 15 years on your spiritual journey, that must have put you in good stead. Ahhh yes, the belief systems and consensus realities... they have so much hold over us. The longer you live away from them though, the easier it becomes. I've found that being an Expat kind of gives me a free pass in life, at least for now. So far 2017 has been kind of a mishap... but with the arrival of Spring, I feel ready to come out of hibernation!! Best wishes

By: Michel
Hello Sarah, hope your blog is still active ! I ran into it by chance just now, as I am planning a short business trip to the Male (not sure I want to go if I cannot have a whisky and soda before dinner...). I live in Mauritius, born and brought up there, French origin and sixty something. Went through the 'About me' bit of the blog, a lot of the stuff you write resonates. Over the past 15 months have been striving to 'throw myself into ME' after 27 years of marriage came to an abrupt end (my wife left after a 17 year hidden affair). Consciously started my spiritual journey about 15 years ago, at an already mature age. Everything happens for a purpose, I probably would have collapsed if I had not got it all started. But still finding it hard to break belief systems and consensus realities... Would be happy to exchange thoughts by email. Keep going, and listen to your inner guidance, it will take you where you need to go !