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RSS Channel: Comments on: The End of the School Contract, Saying Goodbye & Looking Forwards
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Thank you for your wonderful comment! I'm so happy to hear teaching abroad has been and is a positive experience for you, as some people can struggle if it's just not for them. I feel the same about not knowing if I'll teach forever, each experience I have seems to lead me to more options! I'd love to try teaching scuba diving or actually, get into the volunteer sector more. I'm currently teaching in Kenya as a volunteer but there are so many other great causes I want to get involved in, such as providing care for HIV sufferers and helping street kids reunite with their families. Just see where life takes you! :-)

By: Ceri
What a great post, Sarah. :) I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to my students in Mexico because, even though I gave in 2 months notice, my school abruptly asked me to take "garden leave" where I finish early and they just keep paying me for the next 2 months. I felt so sad I couldn't get to see my students though. They were all adults and I suddenly had loads of emails over the next few weeks from them saying that they were sad I was gone. I've been teaching here in Korea for a year and a half and I know I'm really going to miss my kids when I eventually leave. I care so much about them and really would love to just keep teaching them forever but obviously that's not going to happen. I love teaching right now .I don't know if it's something I'll do forever but I absolutely love what you said here - " I work my ass off helping people learn my language so they can go to university or move abroad, get a promotion at work or even just be able to order dinner or check into a hotel on holiday. In return for this I’m rewarded with living in the heart of the community, spending my working hours learning about the culture and the country in which I’m living." Totally agree with that. :) (Sorry for the essay-style comment)