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RSS Channel: Comments on: The Five Phases of Moving Abroad (& how to overcome them)
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Natalia
Thank you so much Sarah! We actually decided to move to D.C and just go back to FL for our interview so I'm feeling a lot better. There is a LOT to do here and I love the city. I'll join groups soon to meet new friends :) I obviously still miss everyone, specially my parents, but the situation has changed big time! I feel more at home now in a city.

By: Sarah
Hi Natalia. So sorry to hear this you're going through! The combination of being stuck at home and having a lack of friends and social life is bound to make you feel crippled with homesickness. It sounds like things can improve a lot once you move to the city. There are forums and 'meet up' websites I have found useful to meet new people, including Couchsurfing and having folks come to stay with me. From personal exprience, boredom and too much telvision kills me and makes me feel like I might as well be at home with my loved ones, so I always try and make the best of where i am, sightseeing and exploring as much as I can, really embracing the new place and the food, the little local markets and cafes, etc. I also try to always have a project on the go such as online learning, or even writing/journaling, yoga, hiking, anything that gets me doing something and takes my mind away from negativity. Sending love to you Natalia and hope your situation improves.

By: Sarah
Thanks Nicki!!

By: Nicki
Great blog! It encompassed what I'm experiencing right now completely, and helped ease my mind. O

By: Natalia
Hi, I'm from Argentina and moved to the States 6 months ago. I didn't suffer from culture shock or anything because I've been here on multiple ocassions and loved it and wanted to move. I fell in love with a guy from here and we got married. I don't have a work permit yet so I can't meet new people. I live in FL which is a retirement state and there arent many things to do or people to meet. We're moving to Denver, CO soon but can't do so until I get my paperwork. I don't mind doing things on my own but I can't walk anywhere because it's always hot and everything is far so I'm stuck at home. The worst part though is the homesickness. I am an only child and we were always a tight family of three with my parents and our lives revolved around each other. And now I miss them all the time. They're almost sixty and I feel like I'm wasting precious time I could have wih them. I also miss my friends and having people to hang out with even though I love my husband deeply. And I can usually manage missing my friends cause I know once we move to the city we'll make friends but I'm having such a hard time missing my parents. When they visited, the day they left I think I cried like 5hs nonstop. I just don't know how to deal with it :(

By: The Move to La Gomera (Canary Islands, Spain) - Expat of the World
[…] on Gomera? If you’ve just moved somewhere and are struggling with homesickness or a wave of overwhelm– particularly with teaching or the new culture- drop a comment or email me […]

By: Sarah
I tend to feel homesick more in the first few weeks, especially before ive made new friends. Oh wow, what is it about UAE that is drawing you in?! So far I am in love with La Gomera, it's such a gentle island. I completely agree!

By: hmmkiki
I think after 3 moves, I have quickly fallen into 'living abroad' and maybe the home sickness will come around months 3 and 4. But realistically because I'm closer to home and my flights are cheaper a friend could just visit me and I'd be'cured'! Well that's what I'm expecting to happen this time. I definitely found similar memories as you went through the stages. I think this 3rd move or even before it I've started to think of the future and staying put somewhere. I really want to work in the UAE for 6 months (that salary is crazy good) and that'll be it for me. working/moving abroad is definitely a worthwhile experience and I wouldn't trade the hardship and crying down the phone for anything. It was necessary for my growth.

By: Sarah
Thanks! Couldn't agree more. Coming home is often the hardest part!

By: Tess | BlondVoyage (@blondvoyage)
This is awesome and very helpful! Moving abroad is so different from traveling abroad!