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RSS Channel: Comments on: 7 Goals in 7 Years: Before I’m 30
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Wow, you're on fire! I love your list! It's so great to see you want to continue learning languages and deepen your passion for martial arts whilst following your dream job as well as traveling - fantastic! The only thing between you and your goals is YOU. You go get em! Xxxx

By: Akejinn
Hi! I'm not really a traveller yet but I'm planning to start that path in the next months. Anyway, your list is amazing and it really inspired me so I just made a 4-goals-in-5-years one: - get fluent in other 3 languages; - become a martial arts master; - get qualified and start a career in animal life/ecosystems conservation; - travel to (and hopefully live in) every continent. What do you think about it? Please, keep blogging!!!!!

By: Sarah
Gracias!! ??

By: lulir87
Hello!! I liked your goals and believe they are very aspirational, go for it!! Yo puedo ayudarte con el espanol ;)