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RSS Channel: Comments on: Can We Ever Really Have It All?
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Hello K, thank you for your very honest comment. The traveling/expat life can be difficult, more so when you need to take a partner's or spouse's career etc into consideration. I was offered a job in Maldives and my boyfriend very selflessly encouraged me to go and try it out, even while he stayed living in Italy. I had a wonderful year there and then we moved together in Napoli. Now our paths will soon separate once again as I'm taking a job in Canary Islands, Spain, while he moves to Majorca. We are young and have so much to experience, I find that real love allows each other to find our true self and go discover the world rather than being chained to each other. I hope we will be able to move abroad together but until then we have to follow our own paths. I definitely will go to the Philippines at some point! You take care too xx

By: K
Hello, I know this is from a while ago, but your quote about it being a 'box with thousands of windows' rang true to me at this present moment. I have always gone travelling solo around the world, nearing the end of my 20s, I got married quickly to a lovely man and can't help but feel I'm caging myself to what is expected rather than what makes me happiest. I still want to travel. My husband made himself out to be this but is taking lots of encouragement to the point I'm wondering whether I am pushing him into being an expat. I see my parent's relationship and how Bad that is and I dont want that. My husband worries about the material things more than me, I suppose he has worked hard for his career and such and finds these bind him to our hometown, whereas I see our hometown as Groundhog Day. that's not to say I haven't also worked hard, I have a transferable career and so does he. I suppose he is the sensible one and I've always been a bit too spontaneous however this has worked up until now with the universe providing opportunities. I need to strike a balance! Where are you abouts on your travels now? If you haven't been to the phillipines yet, go, they are lovely people. Take care and speak soon xx

By: Sarah
O that's lovely! I've learnt it's not about how many

By: leslieweighill
Agreed. I've been gone 12 years. When I get back to Canada, my 2 besties and I pick up exactly where we left off.

By: Sarah
Oh absolutely, I know that feeling. Most friends have come and gone, but there are a few special ones left!

By: leslieweighill
Sarah! You are SO lucky to have such empathetic supportive friends! So many times when we leave our people behind, they act abandoned and treat us almost like our lives are magical. No matter where you live or what your job is, reality sets in pretty quick!

By: Sarah
Maybe it depends on why you want to go to back, for example, I miss my life in Maldives and often think about going back to kind of "re-create" what I had, but I found that wasn't a good enough reason as I need to try and find happiness in myself. I think you're kind of debating it, perhaps your heart isn't totally in it? I mean, I'm waiting to hear if I have been accepted a position in Spain and I'm absolutely dying in agony to find out, checking my emails 5 or 6 times a day haha!

By: aimeewhite
I've been thinking for a while now whether to go back to China. It's a difficult time trying to make my mind up right now!