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RSS Channel: Comments on: Expat Life: On Not Being Able to Commit
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Hi Grant, what an engaging response- thank you! I left Maldives after a wonderful year for a few different reasons: - I felt it couldn?t get any better, any I saw other expats around me who had stayed for several years and were becoming bored, disgruntled and kind of alienating themselves from the culture, a bit like how Brits in Spain do it. Like a sub-culture within a culture, and it wasn?t really something I wanted to belong to. - My work contract ended and it wasn?t up for renewal, so I would have to find work elsewhere or in a different field. At the time I had a partner in Italy, so I decided to find work there and give our relationship a go (we later broke up, but I don?t regret this move) - It is culturally different and making friends with locals wasn?t the easiest (I was often accused of being some sort of prostitute for having several male, Maldivian friends). But we scuba dived together, we had fun. But there is a massive world out there, and we always miss what we don?t have. I longed for mountains and that fresh morning air... the crunch of leaves under your boots in a forest, and the freedom to challenge my students about anywhich topic we like, without worrying that I could get into trouble (words like Church were banned). For me, there?s just something so incredible about islands. The Canaries are polar opposite really, envirionmentally, culturally, socially, economically... but I love La Gomera as it is certainly one the least commercialised of the 7 islands. I miss the freedom in Maldives to jump on a boat and visit other islands, the Canaries is quite expensive and I haven?t yet had the chance to visit other islands except for a bit of Tenerife (which I really do not like). I also haven?t scuba dived. But I?ve made some local friends, hiked a lot and politically and culturally there?s nothing really going on that is problematic, so the general atmosphere is relaxed and ?no pasa nada!?. What I do miss is the kind of reggae, loose pants, long hair relaxed island living, and while Gomera is super chill, it?s sort of middle-class chill, I guess.. like there?s this sense of priviledge in the air. It?s only in the summertime when the backpackers from Germany flood in and make camps in the caves, that it starts to feel a bit more like an island far, far away. I suppose I?m looking for something a bit more rugged, where kids run around barefoot and there?s a beat in the air other than Despacito... Thanks again for a lovely comment, Sarah

By: Grant
Hi Sarah, well done! It's interesting to contemplate the physiological paradigms of different individual responses to past experience and the lives they go on to lead, influenced by such. I find it interesting that you have migrated from one particular "island" location to another at this present time, whilst dreaming of still a different island (Philippines) at some point in the future. There could be a very lengthy discussion on that itself, but if I could I'd like to ask something a little more simple. With such an apparent wonderful life experience in Maldives and a number of references to longing for it again, why would you leave? Are there work restrictions enforcing time restrictions? Is it just too culturally different for you to imagine some sort of long term commitment? Is it a little too quiet and removed after a while? Are the Canarias closer to the blend you seek? (Hmm, suddenly I realise my simple question has become a list, sorry). I'm curious as to why you might continue to search for "island" type destinations when it seems from the outside it would be very easy for you to go back to Maldives. I don't ask in any sort of judgemental fashion. I am genuinely curious as I have had similar thoughts and destinations in mind, including Canarias, Maldives and Philippines. Why did you leave Maldives, what would stop you from returning long term and how do the Canarias compare? Thankyou for your time, Love your work and best wishes. G

By: nicolec
Nope, I was looking for online ESL work, but I'll check out Bell and see if they still have any openings. Thanks :-)

By: Sarah
Haha totally know that feeling! Are you free now? I'm working in Italy at summer camps and I think we are still hiring! They're called Bell (Beyond English Language Learning). :) x

By: nicolec
Oh wow really?? That's awesome. I wanted to teach for a Thai program, but I missed the deadline for the 2016-17 cycle because I was still in school, but the representative told me to apply in the fall, but I'll keep looking elsewhere so I can have more than one option.....or leave sooner if I can. I lived in the same city for all 22 years of my life and I'm ready to gooooooooooo haha

By: Sarah
Will definitely look into it! A heads up, I went straight into teaching English abroad without saving up ?? I remember when I was interviewed on Skype for the position in Maldives and he said can you come in about 3 days and I was like "hell yeah!" And put the flights on credit and arrived with about ?100 to my name hahaha- stayed there for almost a year and visited so many islands, even got PADI qualified! Sometimes you just have to go for it haha. Good luck!

By: nicolec
If you want to get some new skills without the hefty university costs. Try online courses on edX or Udemy, that's what I'm doing. I finished university with a degree in accounting entered a 1 year graduate program so I can be eligible for a CPA license, but I've lost interest in accounting and I want to breakaway from the "9-5 to stay alive" realm. Currently looking for work so I can save up some money so I can move abroad to teach English.

By: Sarah
If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life!!! A home in Bangkok sounds like a great place to unwind and meet new people, I'd love to find somewhere I can go to for breaks, somewhere other than the family home in England!

By: Magnar Nordal
Jupp, I feel the same problem. My life as instructor on a specific aircraft type is nomadic. A few years here, some months there. But I love it! Thankfully can I return to my home in Bangkok for a short holiday every 6 weeks or so.