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RSS Channel: Comments on: Ex-pat Life: Travelling Alone In Your 20s Isn’t As Scary As You Think
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Sarah
Im so pleased it resonated with you! I'm sorry to hear life in Japan is a bit of a struggle at times, do you speak the language at all? I was teaching English in Maldives yes back in 2014 O I was lucky to have the expat community plus the locals having grown up with English, we didn't encounter any language barriers. Ooooh Sri Lanka is on my list! ????

By: Sarah
Thank you!! Everyone has their own paths to carve as you say, and not everyone has to travel, but we can't just make excuses every time. As for thinking we're mad for traveling solo, shame for them - they're missing out ;)

By: Sarah
Thank you Valerie! I am afraid at times, I struggle with anxiety too, but I've found that it's always bette to try it than to wonder "what if" ! Xx

By: Sarah
Love your comment :) thank you!

By: Stephanie
This post really resonates with me. I first travelled solo at age 25 and I wondered why I had waited so long, I absolutely loved it! I took a years sabbatical then decided to move to Japan. I feel a bit jealous of your life in the Maldives, living in rural Japan is not that easy and I really miss the company of other foreigners. Are you teaching English in the Maldives? I travelled to Sri Lanka and absolutely loved it!

By: Nerdventurists
Oh PREACH girl! So much of what you've written here resonates with me. I get so frustrated when people think I'm mad for going around the world on my own. Likewise the “My parents would never let me” excuse drives me INSANE. Are you not an adult? Carve your own path! Great post.

By: authenticfoodquest
True...we each to make and shape our own lives. Find the courage to make a decision and the strength to follow through. Inspirational post and happy continued post.

By: Sarah
That's great!!! It's amazing to love someone so much you encourage them to grow and experience new things O

By: Sarah
Thanks Jacqui! I love traveling with people I meet on the road, but I've never organised a trip with friends from home- we are all so different I imagine it would be too much stress!

By: The Thought Card
My partner is leaving to go to the UK in a few weeks- and I haven't asked what about me once. I'm so happy for him and I know it'll be challenging but we will make it through and hey it's a good time to work on our communication skills.