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RSS Channel: Comments on: Exploring local islands in Maldives: A short stay in Huraa
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By: Erin Feldman
Hey great article! My parner and I want to visit the Maldives for a budget Xmas and New year's trip on our honeymoon. We are debating between maafushi, guraidhoo, huraa or other islands within easy reach of male. We like to sunbathe and dive and relax. Any recommendations of which island to choose??? There's so much to read on each island I can't choose .. Thanks so much!!!

By: Sarah
Hello- yes when snorkelling/on the beach in LOCAL islands, women should wear t-shirts/shorts/leggings etc. You will notice signs saying bikini's are not allowed. Also men shouldn't walk around the island or sit in restaurants topless. When you are on a trip away from the local islands (locals on the island cannot see you) the rules relax as they do on resort islands. Have a great time!

By: Malgorzata
Hello, as I can see in the picture, you`re in a T-shirt during snorkelling, is it obligatory? Is it true that women should wear T-shirts covering arms and trousers/skirts coverig knees? Also when taking part in trips (e.g. for snorkeling), far away from land? Thank you in advance!

By: Sarah
Excellent! You're welcome

By: Goran
Hi, we stayd in that guest house today and it's very nice, like you sad so ;)) thank you for tips and tricks ;)

By: A Trip to Thulusdhoo- the perfect local island in Maldives
[…] could include many islands for next to nothing! After leaving Male it goes to Hinmafushi, then to Hura, then stopping at Thulusdhoo before finally finishing off at Dhihfushi. There’s only one boat […]

By: Sarah
I'm not sure if you can surf there, but there will definitely be surfing excursions available. I think my surfing friends liked a local island called Thulusdhoo because they could surf there. It's not too far away from Male. Good luck!!

By: Nina Lyn Ponla
Hi can we surf in Huraa island? :)