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RSS Channel: Comments on: Finding the Way
Join me as I try to find balance and happiness while travelling the world

By: Shane
Wow three months without wifi would be tough as a blogger! But it's so scenic there you would hardly mind. Best of luck in your ventures!

By: Laveena Sengar
That's pretty cool. You must have had a great peaceful time. Also, I feel you don't really need to look for the way... just do your thing and it will catch up with you.

By: Sarah
A big detox definitely!!!

By: verushka
Rumi is one of my favourites.His work seems to touch the soul.love the quotes you used. 3 months of no wifi= digital detox

By: chantae
Keep blogging and writing :D And I totally know what you mean (especially about the yoga bit -- why can't flexibility come easy?!) I love the quote. It kinda reminds me of what I've also thought about and learned - persistence is the most important aspect of success (whatever that means to you). So get going, and persist :D

By: blair villanueva
Very inspiring especially if your want to reboot your whole busy system. 3 montha of no wifi???? Hhmmm I think I can live with that.. but as long as I have more spaces for taking some photos. :)

By: sveeteskapes
Yes, totally agree! The best thing we can ever do is to just START because we can plan stuff our entire life but without taking the first step to execute it, none of it is worth it! xx, Kusum | www.sveeteskapes.com

By: Miriam Ernst
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I think we all have these kind of fears at some stare of our life. Very interesting post!

By: Sarah
I'm pleased it does!

By: lex
Second, don’t go looking for the way. Let it come to you. This part of your post serves a good day for me.