Do Talk To Strangers: That Time I Was Rescued in Agrigento, Sicily

  I will start by warning readers that in some parts of the world, particularly in Agrigento, Sunday really is a day of rest. Who’d…

Do Talk To Strangers: On a Hydrofoil to Capri

  It’s 8AM, I’ve had my morning cuppa and I’m dressed and ready to leave- to where, I’m not sure yet. Passing through the kitchen…

Do Talk To Strangers: At a Bus Stop to Amalfi

  As a solo traveler, there’s no end to the amount of people you’ll get talking to. Who you happen to meet on your travels…

My First Hostel Experience: Sorrento (Sant’Agnello)

My solo trip around Italy starts off in the beautiful coastal town, Sorrento. I checked in for 5 nights (then a night in Naples) so…

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