If you’re like me and you live alone, there’s little better than plonking yourself down on the sofa (or in bed if it’s been that sort of day) with your din dins and something on the tele. But so much of what we watch is drowned in negativity– people yelling at each other, hurting each other, products shoved at us left, right and centre: BE MORE OF THIS and YOUR LEGS ONLY COME UP TO HERE and THIS IS WHAT LOVE/ YOUR LIFE SHOULD LOOK LIKE.
If cosying up with a blanket and something to take your mind off things is your cup of tea, I’m not saying throw your TV out of the window. Just that making a small shift in what we allow our subconscious(es?) to absorb can impact how we feel, what we do and how we live!
Nonsense television and binge-watching excessively don’t aid you in stepping towards the person you want to become. In fact, TV watching has lots of health risks, including mental health. Don’t let yourself get addicted or lost in the world behind the screen. When I felt homesick in Vietnam, I watched the entire box set of Sex and the City. I wasn’t going out much, so I just felt even more culture shocked and sad since I didn’t have a group of girlfriends like on the show.
When you want to unwind for an hour, give a documentary a go instead. Tony Robbins (a motivational speaker/life coach) was absolutely incredible, as was ‘Living on a dollar a day’, ‘Happy’ and ‘Cowspiracy’ on Netflix. Did you know the meat industry will be the end of the Amazon Rainforest?! I’m reminding myself today to practice caring more about what’s going on in the world and in other people’s lives. The Real World. Real People. Think about how we can HELP or GROW instead of watching 4 hours of New Girl (currently limiting myself to one episode a day…)

Prolonged television watching linked to increased health risks
Should you stop watching TV?
Does TV rot your brain?
Binge-watching TV and mental health
*This is part of my 2017 project to recall the lessons life throws at me so that 23 won’t just be another year like the others, but one of contemplation and growth. What have you learnt so far this year? Do you watch too much trash TV? It just gets so depressing after a while! Any good documentaries I should watch? Please lemme know!